Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Snow Day

Today, classes at UTA and in Fort Worth ISD were cancelled. Mom and dad stayed home from work, so the whole family was home! It was pretty fun, considering we are never all home for more than a couple of hours at a time, if we're lucky. Tomorrow's classes are cancelled too, and the parents will still be home. Day two should be pretty interesting. Mom predicts that by day three, if we are all still iced in, we are going to be at each other's throats. I kinda believe her.

Anyway, tonight is another song-to-sermon kind of night. Here's the song, Arms Open Wide by Hillsong United.

There are a few verses this song is based off of, but they all don't directly tie in, at least in my opinion.

Song of Solomon 6:3 says that "I am my beloved, and my beloved is mine." This verse was written in the only book of the Bible that talks about man's relationship with the woman he loves. Basically, Biblical relationship 101. This verse is the bride of Solomon professing her love for him, giving him all of her in return for all of Him. As Christians, we are called to do the same. We, the church, will one day be the bride of Jesus, and His desire is for us to give all we have to Him, as He did for us.

The overarching message in this song is we stand at the foot of the cross, with our arms spread. Spreading your arms is a universal symbol of relinquishing control. I give up. That's what the song says. Here I stand, arms open wide.

The song later sings, My whole life is Yours, I give it all, surrenederred to Your name. And forever I will pray "Have Your way." That should be our desire. To have the faith to give everything up, and pray to our Lord to have His way with our lives. This isn't easy, and He never said it would be. The road to salvation is narrow and treacherous, but the reward at the end is worth every risk we take.

That song is so amazing, it's quickly becoming one of my favorite worship songs. Because that's what it is; a pure worship song. In my opinion.

I think this song is so cool in that it is one that can be best heard through the ears of someone who is finally broken for their sins. We as humans try to conceal and bandage our sins ourselves, but it isn't what is required. When this is finally realized, we fall flat on our faces. That's what this song is. We can sing praises to the God who saves us, with our arms open wide at His throne of grace.

Anyway, just something to chew on.

For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.
(2 Corinthians 5:21 ESV) Alas, that's another song to cover.

Philos, Justin

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